How To Mix Neem Oil For Plants

How To Mix Neem Oil For Plants

If you’re looking for an organic or natural pesticide, neem oil is a great option. Here’s your simple guide on how to mix neem oil for plants.

Dill Growing Conditions

Dill Growing Conditions

Provide dill with the right growing conditions, and you’ll have fresh dill in no time. Here’s everything you need to know about dill growing conditions.

Growing Basil Indoors With Grow Lights

Growing Basil Indoors With Grow Lights

Have a year-round supply of basil using grow lights. Here’s your step-by-step guide on how to grow basil indoors with grow lights.

How To Harvest Dill

How To Harvest Dill

Harvesting dill is relatively easy, but you can use some tips so you can harvest them a few times in a season. Here’s a simple guide on how to harvest dill.

What To Do With My Basil Flowers?

What To Do When My Basil Flowers?

If you’re wondering what to do with the basil flowers, then this guide is for you. Here are the different ways you can use basil flowers.

How To Dry Parsley

How To Dry Parsley

Drying parsley helps it last up to a year, so you can have some for future use. Here’s your quick guide on how to dry parsley at home.

Peppermint vs. Spearmint

Peppermint VS Spearmint

Peppermint and spearmint are often called interchangeably, but they are different herbs. Here’s a detailed comparison between peppermint and spearmint.

How To Trim Dill

How To Trim Dill

Trimming dill is necessary and not really that difficult. Here’s a simple guide on how to trimm dills with ease.

How To Prune Oregano

How To Prune Oregano

Pruning oregano is not difficult. Here’s the ultimate guide you will ever need on how to prune oregano with ease.

How To Dry Cilantro At Home

How To Dry Cilantro At Home

There are many ways to dry cilantro and they are super easy. Here’s the complete guide on how to dry cilantro at home.

How To Dry Sage

How To Dry Sage

Dry sage to have some readily available at home when it’s not in season. Here’s your quick guide on how to dry sage at home.

What Is Eating My Basil?

What Is Eating My Basil?

Different insects and even animals might be attacking your basil. Here’s the list of what might be eating your basil and ways to prevent them.

How To Harvest Parsley

How To Harvest Parsley

Harvesting parsley is easy but if done wrong, it can kill the plant, too. So, here’s your complete guide on how to harvest parsley.

How To Prune Rosemary

How To Prune Rosemary

Pruning rosemary keeps the plant in healthy shape. If you’re not sure how to do it, here’s a simple guide on how to prune rosemary.

Growing Catnip Indoors

Growing Catnip Indoors

Catnip is one of the plants you can easily grow. And in this guide, we’ll tell you everything you need to know in growing catnip indoors.

Spearmint Plant Care

Spearmint Plant Care

If you want to successfully grow spearmint, you need to take a good look at its needs and growing conditions. Here is a simple guide on spearmint plant care.

Planting Lavender Cuttings

Planting Lavender Cuttings

Planting lavender from stem cuttings is probably the most effective way to grow lavender. Here is the step-by-step guide to do planting lavender cuttings.

Partial Sun Herbs

Partial Sun Herbs

Learn about the most popular partial sun herbs you can easily grow in this guide. We’ll also tell you why partial sun herbs are great for indoor gardening.

Thyme Cuttings

Thyme Cuttings

If you want to successfully propagate thyme from stem cuttings, then this guide is what you need. Here is a simple guide on growing thyme cuttings.

Cutting Back Basil

Cutting Back Basil

Trimming basil is essential if you want to enjoy delicious basil for as long as possible. So, here is a step-by-step guide on cutting back basil.